Johnson Consulting Services - Research Analysis Planning Our Research Services:    

Getting the right information for you is the foundation of our consulting services. We gather the information you need about your industry, competitors, customers, or even your own organization. We obtain the necessary research and explain the critical data you need to make sound business decisions.  

Click on the services below for more information on our approaches to research.

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Demographic Analysis
Understanding the demographics of your target market provides you with in-depth insight regarding the potential impact of demographic changes that may be present over a much longer time horizon. A demographic analysis will evaluate how shifts in age, race and other economic variables may impact the need for your services or create potential risks to your survival.
Qualitative Interviews
We are adept at conducting probing interviews of key competitors, industry sources, customers, employees, and anyone else we need to talk to on your behalf. These interviews provide you with insights into what makes your competitors tick or help you learn more about what your key target audiences really think.
Competitor Intelligence
While the Internet has made it easy to gather basic information on competitors, competitive intelligence involves much more than this. We also use primary research techniques including networking with industry experts, customers, suppliers, key referral sources and even the competitor themselves to better understand your competitive environment. We combine this information with the use of secondary research sources including subscription databases and news sources to help you make informed decisions and strategies.  
Secondary Research
At the core of our secondary research is our efficient online searching of the appropriate computer databases. We let you know what has been published in the trade and consumer news media about your competitors, target market, and other vital subjects. We also work with various demographic databases to develop estimates of your market potential.  
Focus Groups
Our focus groups obtain insight into the complex considerations and thought processes that your key target audiences consider when making their evaluations and decisions. The qualitative nature of focus groups allows for probing insights about motivations, market needs and desires, as well as providing information that may influence your planning process. These groups help you get at opinions, issues, problems, and solutions.  
When the need arises, we develop surveys to define opinions, employee attitudes, and customer concerns. These surveys provide you with quantifiable data about your ideas and the reactions they generate.
Secret Shopping
Sometimes you need to understand how well your sales team is doing in sharing your brand message to your target audience. We can assess their conversation approaches, closing techniques and positioning efforts in response to unsolicited contacts from a prospective customer or client.        

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