
Jill is currently writing a few of her own books. She also wrote a chapter in this Amazon Best Seller. Get your copy via the below link. Check it out!

Jill on “Unlocking the Secrets of Successful Women”

Jill collaborated with several other successful businesswomen to write this book. Here is Jill discussing the book and what it means to be a successful businesswoman.

SHARPENED LARGER BOOK COVER Screen-Shot-2015-01-19-at-3_10_46-PM copyBOOK - amazon_best_sellerBack of the book: Are you just working at a job that gives you a paycheck—but not much more? Has your stress been overwhelming, and the feeling of being rewarded non-existent? Have you been thinking that maybe today is the day you start working toward “living your dream”? Are you ready to stumble, fall, pick yourself up again—and finally take those important steps forward to do what you have always wanted to do? That’s exactly what the forty women in this book have done, and you can almost see them smile at their joy of living their dream. Witness how they succeeded by working through their fears, overcoming obstacles, and achieving their dreams. The women range from age 91 to 36, and are hairstylists, retired military, bakers and butchers, to high-powered consultants or business leaders. Each tells of her success—big or small, but it is what she wanted. Sound good to you?