Check out our FREE White Paper:

Enduring Enterprises: Eight Essential Strategies for Achieving Business Longevity

WHITE-PAPER-Enduring-Enterprises-Cover-233x300While most small business owners and entrepreneurs feel ready to embrace the risks of starting a business, few understand that those who lead enterprises that sustain success over the long-term are different. Leaders of enduring enterprises both big and small do more than just dream about their future. They have both the drive and discipline to make their vision of success a reality.

Leaders who create enterprises that endure are always looking ahead to identify the other tools, resources, ideas and technology they can access to enhance their success. They leverage real marketing information to identify and leverage evolving trends to adapt their products and services to ensure their enterprise remains relevant.

In this Executive Briefing, management consultant Jill Johnson provides practical insight to help you consider the eight strategies you need to build an enduring enterprise. This white paper highlights what you need to implement immediately to boost your potential for building an enterprise that stands the test of time.

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